Contributing to pylivy ====================== Thanks for considering contributing to ``pylivy``! .. _opening-issues: Asking questions and reporting issues ------------------------------------- If you have any questions on using ``pylivy`` or would like to make a suggestion on improving ``pylivy``, please open an issue on GitHub: Submitting code changes ----------------------- Before `opening a PR `_, have a look at the information below on code formatting and tests. Tests will be run automatically `on Travis `_ and must pass before a PR can be merged. Code formatting +++++++++++++++ Code must be formatted with `Black `_ (with a line length of 79, as configured in ``pyproject.toml``), plus pass `Flake8 `_ linting and `mypy `_ static type checks. It's recommend that you configure your editor to `autoformat your code with Black `_ and to highlight any Flake8 or mypy errors. This will help you catch them early and avoid disappointment when the tests are run later! Running tests +++++++++++++ ``pylivy`` includes two types of code tests; unit tests and integration tests. The unit tests test individual classes of the code base, while the integration tests verify the behaviour of the library against an actual running Livy server. To run the unit tests, which run quickly and do not require a Livy server to be running, first install ``tox`` (a Python testing tool) if you do not already have it: .. code-block:: bash pip install tox then run: .. code-block:: bash tox -e py37 ``tox`` will build the project into a package, prepare a Python virtual environment with additional test dependencies, and execute the tests. You can also run tests against Python 3.6 by replacing ``py37`` with ``py36`` in the above command. To run integration tests, you need to first start a Livy server to test against. For this purpose, I've prepared a Docker image that runs a basic Livy setup. To run it: .. code-block:: bash docker run --publish 8998:8998 acroz/livy Then, in a separate shell, run the integration tests: .. code-block:: bash tox -e py37-integration Again, you can replace ``py37`` with ``py36`` to change the Python version used. Adding tests ++++++++++++ Any new contributions to the library should include appropriate tests, possibly including unit tests, integration tests, or both. Please get in touch by :ref:`opening an issue ` if you'd like to discuss what makes sense. Both unit tests and integration tests are written with the `pytest `_ testing framework. If you're not familiar with it, I suggest having a look at their extensive documentation and examples first.